
JAMTech is a tool designed to work with power tongs to provide real-time monitoring and control of tubular connections make-up.

The software structure, graphical user interface combined with powerful control through data acquisition hardware and presentation capabilities enable the user to easily specify make-up parameters, control make-up and evaluate final results.


Recall Joint ScreenFunctions
• Monitors torque, turns, time and rotational speed during make-up
• Controlling both speed and final torque or final turns.
• Includes calibration management system
• Includes automatic ‘Start Recording’ & ‘Dump Valve’ release
• Hardware Testing functions for Torque, Turns and Dump valve sensors.
• Fail-safe operation.
• Recalling results of previous make-ups for each joint.
• Real-time monitoring of torque and rotational speed after make-up completion.
• User friendly Software guiding the operator through workshop and field calibration tuning
torque or turns calibrations in the field and maintaining calibration records.